Cereal Box Spooky Stories!

Reader CK stumbled upon the Haunted House cereal box cardboard flexi disc post from a year ago and was nice enough to share another ceral box Halloween flexi... SPOOKY STORIES!
Spooky Stories! - The Headless Horseman
Spooky Stories! - Untitles (Lonely, Lonely)
There are a fair amount of skips on the recording, but as CK notes: "if you were a 28 year old sheet of plastic glued to some cardboard, you'd skip too". And, well, don't skips and pops make things that much more spooky?
click on the image for a full scan of the record

Jim In Buffalo also sent me a cleaned up version of the previously mentioned Haunted House record (although at 64 Kbps).
Haunted House Cardboard Flexi (cleaned version)
Jim! If you want to send me a better bit-rate, feel free! Sorry I had not responded...well, you know the usual excuses.
Thanks to everyone for your nice comments as I go through, well...a dry spell.