#3 - Har Har Rar Rar Woo Woo

November 6, 2008: Cake & Polka Podcast #003: Har Har Rar Rar Woo Woo
WFMU 91.1fm 90.1fm wfmu.org
Listen to this show at http://wfmu.org/listen.m3u?show=29118&archive=46178 (MP3 - 128K)
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Slava Tsukerman - "Margaret's Apartment" - Liquid Sky Soundtrack
Peter B - "Crazy Ass Delusions" - Luteus
Fred Frith - "The Boy Beats the Rams" - Gravity
Bing Crosby - "The Headless Horseman" - VA - The Haunted House
Non Credo - "Snake Oil" - Happy Wretched Family
Robert Lawrence & Mark Phillips - "Construct Z-45" - Dada Computer
Found Tape - "Phil's Desperate Parents" - Eavesdrop: A Wealth of Found Sound
Jon Rose - "Game 7 S and M" - Perks
György Ligeti - "Agitato Molto" - Nouvelles Aventures
Florence Foster Jenkins - "Delibes - Lakmé: Où va la jeune Hindoue?" - The Glory (????) of the Human Voice
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